The effect of lime in aquaculture

Lime is one of the substances used to treat the environment that is quite inexpensive, has many effects and is also very effective. It is widely recommended to be used to improve ponds and ponds for shrimp and fish farming.

Today, consumers are demanding more and more about the quality of food that must be clean and safe. To do so, it is imperative that right from the production stage, fish and shrimp farmers must avoid the use of antibiotics and care and management. Water environment management is very important so that shrimp and fish do not get sick during the farming process. One of the most effective preventive measures for fish and shrimp disease is the periodic use of lime powder.

The effect of lime is to help lower alum in the soil and water, stabilize the pH of the water, and kill harmful trash fish and pathogens in the pond. Lime helps the pond bottom to be decomposed, making the pond bottom better due to mineralization, and the water quality is also improved. For farmed shrimp, the lime in the pond also has an effect on shrimp in shell formation. However, too much lime should not be applied because it can be harmful to the environment and farmed fish and shrimp.

Currently on the market there are 4 main types of lime:

  • CaCO3: Derived from coral limestone, seashells ..., which has the effect of reducing alum and disinfecting. Used for improving ponds or ponds that are raising fish and shrimp.

  • Ca(OH)2: Lime is used to improve ponds, increase soil and water pH, have a great influence on water pH, so avoid fertilizing in the afternoon.

  • CaO: Lime powder, quicklime, has a strong pH-raising effect, only used to improve ponds, not for ponds where fish and shrimp are raised.

  • CaMg(CO3)2: Crushed limestone containing magnesium, has the effect of reducing alum in shrimp farming, increasing the buffer system in cultured ponds without affecting the pH of the environment. Used for ponds that are raising shrimp and fish.

In aquaculture, depending on the conditions, we use:

  • To improve ponds: use CaCO3 or slaked lime Ca(OH)2 using dosage of 8-10 kg / 100m2, alum areas can increase the amount of lime.

  • Used to lower alum: in ponds, in the rainy season or in alkaline soils, there is often a phenomenon of alum leaching after rains and alum from the bottom of the pond. In this case, CaCO3 is often used with a dosage of 1 - 3 kg/100m3 of water, mixed with water to cool, and sprinkled throughout the pond. For fish rafts: dose from 2 to 4 kg/10m3 of water in the raft, hanging in a small bag at the beginning of the raft's flow.

  • Settling organic matter: Lime put into the pond sinks the colloidal organic matter suspended in the water, making the water clean. Through the fact that after each rain, the water rushes into the farming pond, the water has a lot of silt and the pond water is cloudy, limiting the light entering the water, hindering the photosynthesis of aquatic plants, the pond is deprived of oxygen for shrimps. fish. Use CaCO3 to adjust the clarity of the pond water, dosage 1-2 kg/100m3 mixed with water splashed throughout the pond, the clarity will return to normal.

  • Prevention of diseases for shrimp and fish: During the process of raising fish and shrimp, every 10-15 days in the rainy season or 25-30 days in the dry season, agricultural lime (CaCO3) should be used to soak the clear water and sprinkle it all over the pond at once. , dosage from 1-2 kg / 100m3 of water (for rafts, hang lime bags with a dosage of 2-4 kg / 10m3 of raft water), because this is the most effective and cheapest form of disease prevention for fish and shrimp. If you regularly apply this method, fish and shrimp will be less sick. In periodic shrimp ponds, black lime can be used to stabilize the environment.

Thus, for fish and shrimp ponds and rafts, lime has a multi-purpose effect, both as a preventative against pests and diseases, as well as improving environmental stability. Therefore, using lime has a high effect, but lime must be of good quality without impurities (soil, sand) and must be preserved carefully.

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